Join Here !

Join Here !

(membership year runs from 1st July to 30th June)
SPECIAL OFFER ! New Student Membership is just £15!

Why join us ?

We offer all the following:

  • In-house Link Magazine for members
  • Members' competitions - free entry
  • Other competitions with prizes
  • Annual Festival - reduced rates for members
  • Events and Courses
  • e-Newsletter - issued bi-monthly
  • Writing Retreat - reduced rates for members
  • Professional Critiquing service for members
  • Advertising free or reduced rate for members
  • Publishing under NAWG imprint: see points below
  1. NAWG is a recognised publishing house. If members would like to be properly published, they can apply to use the NAWG Imprint.
  2. Your book will have to be vetted for quality and suitability by NAWG before we agree to it.
  3. You may purchase an ISBN from us for £20.
  4. Note: The organisation and the cost of the formatting and printing is down to you (the member).

>>> Apply here !
Become a member of NAWG

Paying for membership...

What you Pay

Just £25 a year for Individual Members or £50 for a group in the UK (overseas prices are a little higher - full details here )

Pay with PayPal

You can pay with PayPal or by credit card in our shop. (But don't forget to send us an application form too - download one here )

Pay by BACS

To NatWest Washington Town Centre Branch NE38 7SG
Sort code: 60-22-52 80275877   Please use ref: Membership (your name

Pay by Cheque

Post your cheque, made payable to NAWG, and completed form (get it here )  to: NAWG Membership, Treasurer, 1 Holme Oaks, Ocle Pychard, Hereford, HR1 3RE

If you're renewing

Just send us your completed form (from here.) If it's for a group don't forget to add the group name with your payment.

Any questions?

Send a query to us here and we'll do all we can to help.
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