**** NOTE ! NAWG is not responsible for the quality or content of these websites ****
Links to websites and writing resources
We'll do our best to keep these current, but, please let us know if any of the links or URLs are broken, out-of-date or have other problems and we'll amend or remove them.
------------------> Warner publications
https://www.writermag.com/ ------------------------> The Writer
https://www.neonbooks.org.uk/big-list-literary-magazines/ --------> list of magazines
https://www.magazine.co.uk/magazines/writers-forum-magazine --------------> Writers' Forum
https://pocketmags.com/us/writing-magazine -------------------> Writing
https://writershq.co.uk/writing-resources/writing-competitions-and-submission-opportunities/ --> Competitions etc
https://nationalcentreforwriting.org.uk/free-resources/ ------> Free writing resources
https://www.writersdigest.com/resources/writersresources ---> get feedback, learn to improve your writing
https://www.tckpublishing.com/free-online-writing-courses/ ---> Free creative writing online courses
https://www.neonbooks.org.uk/big-list-writing-competitions/ ---> competitions listing
Compile a seemingly innocent up to 200 word postcard but with a hidden agenda.
Write an acrostic – using, e.g., the letters of your name, where you live, or how you feel.
A short descriptive piece about the item and why it is special.
Write a piece of flash fiction using these three random words.
[knife, candle, singing]
Write a short story entitled ‘Writer's Block.’ Describe your feelings walking through empty streets.
Any type of poem but no letter 'L'
Write up to 2000 words, using as many words ending in ‘ly’ as possible.
Write a Haiku - three lines, 5-7-5 syllables, juxtaposition of ideas
Etheree – write a ten-line poem with one syllable in the first line, two in the second etc.
Describe the taste, smell, texture of a favourite meal - maybe including its preparation - but without visual description. Any form (Story / poem / description)
Do you know of other websites or resources that we can recommend to the Members? If so, please let us know
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Membership page here. Not a member? Join us and get the free e-news!
National Association of Writers and Groups,
Old Vicarage, Scammonden, Huddersfield,